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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows cannot find NvCpl.dll on XP
T. Glenn   2002-12-30 00:24
I recently installed a new GeForce MX200 32MB PCI card. Widows XP cannot find/read NvCpl.dll . I was able to find it when I veiwed it with notepad. The dll file was garble. My desktop colors are off and when I try and adjust the color XP reboots on its own or the screen goes blank.

Thank you for any assistance.
Christian Studer   2003-01-01 03:17
Try reinstalling the Nvidia drivers.

Christian Studer -
m0rph   2003-01-02 17:40

Enough already... I need to get some sleep. LOL

- m0rph :-D
Phoenix   2003-02-03 15:05
It doesnt work man its the coolbits overclocking system thats your problem
you need to replace the file with one from an older version of the denotater k peace

The Phoenix
Martin   2003-03-09 09:27
I've got that too.... I didnt have it before i formated the HD ..... It's strange. If i should replace it whit a older veresion, where do i do it then?
Arjan   2003-04-04 02:40
hello everyone,

i've got a problem also with this file.
when my comp starts its says that tehre's a error in c:windows\system\nvcpl.dll
and further its missing the NvStartup

can someone tell me what to do or send me this file if its missing?

please answer me in logic englisch please no nurd laungwich. My englisch is not that good.

thanks allready.

give thanks and praises.
Arjan   2003-04-04 02:51
hello everyon for the second time.
(i saw a few misstakes)

i've got a problem also with this file.
when my comp starts its says that there's an error in c:windows\system\nvcpl.dll
and further its missing the NvStartup

can someone tell me what to do or send me this file if its missing?

please answer me in logic englisch please no scientic language. My english is not that good.

thanks again

give thanks and praises.
smeeztennisbum   2003-04-04 12:13
yeah ppl i also have that problem wid win xp. would realli appreciate sum1 telling me wtf is going on. dunno if it helps but it started happening to me after my comp locked up burning a cd wid nero. neway, help would b appreciated.

the smeeziest of all tennis bums
Fredrik   2003-04-16 04:02
To Arjan´s helper...

I have the same problem as Arjan, running with Windows ME, so far...

Would be glad for help!

syd   2003-04-21 23:01
I also got that freaking problem with winxp not finding nvcpl.dll and weeping bad dynamic link libraries. Moreover, it also seemed like I was stuck at 800*600 resolution and 4-bits (16-colors) color quality. Strangely, this resulted from a windows update (!) pertaining to fixing bad or missing libraries (congrats on that, bill). I have tried next to a million things to fix the problem, including reinstalling the drivers without any form of success, it even nearly destroyed my machine. I have a solution if your problem ALSO RESULTS FROM A SAD WINDOWS UPDATE ON WINXP(if not, it might be helpless).I think it will also work only if you perform windows update from time to time. I've included a thousand keywords in that to help would-be google searchers with the exact same problem as mine. Hope it helps. SO HERE IS HOW I FIXED THE DAMN THING. 1) Reboot the machine 2) After the typical memory tests, press F8 to access the boot menu 3)Choose the 'safe' mode and let her boot 4) You should get a popup explaining you are running safe mode and will be given the choice to either 'YES' continue working in safe mode or 'NO' restore the system from a previous version. 5) Choose 'NO'. 6) You should then get to something that looks like a calendar with some date in bold letters. Those bold letters represents the dates at which wour system was backed-up automatically by windows. 7)Choose a date previous to the f**kall and proceed (don't worry, everything is reversible if need be). 8) Win will auto reboot your system 9)You should be OK.
Take care y'all. If you come across Bill, greet him for me (gee!)
merchitO   2003-04-25 02:28
I just have had this problem under windows XP.
I solved the problem in 2 minutes, simply by using the "restore system" tool of windows XP. When you are using this feature, you are being proposed between several automaticaly saved images of your system, presented on a calendar. I chose yesterday system save and now... yuhu! It works all right again.

A few times ago, I almost followed an advise from a technical website, encouraging the disabling of the restore system tool to spare some memory. Finally I did not... How glad I am to have kept this GREAT restore system feature!!!!
ryks   2003-05-17 00:12
Try this - it worked for me.

After boot up i got the following error message: "An exception error occured while trying to run NvCpl.dll, NvStartup.

I downloaded and ran the free version of Ad-aware5 from this site
deleted the intrusive files - and the error went away.
A A   2003-06-01 03:45
When starting windows xp i get message on my screen error #17 how can i investgate this, and get rid of it.
steve   2003-06-17 10:02
go to theres a down load ther that will tell you all the error codes for windows
Beaker   2003-07-08 01:21
Running Windows ME...I also have the problem with two error messages that pop up
1. error loading nview dll the system cannot find the file specified.
2. error in c|windows\system\nvcpl.dll missing entry nv start up

Can anyone help please in not to much technical lingo....
Have tried reloading nvdia drivers but no luck...
Dana   2003-07-09 09:38
Okay guys, I don't know if this is the problem or not, but I had to reinstall on win2k and the install couldn't find half the files. I did a file search and found that they were distributed throughout the WINNT dir. Some were under /system32, /drivers, and /help, etc. So try plain ol' 'file search' and maybe they are there.

wildfire   2003-07-11 22:34
this problem has happened to me so many times maybe about 5 times with my GF4 mx420... lol. by the way if you replace that nvcpl.dll file, it won't help anyways. so here's what you do:

first make sure you download the latest drivers or if you can't do that make sure you have the first driver you have (the one that came with the card to begin with) then maybe update after you fix this.

now that that's taken care of, go to your start bar, then go to your control panel, then click system, then click the hardware tab, then click device manager. it will list all the devices in your computer. look for something saying display adapters. then click the little plus sign (+) and it will show your current video card. highlight it and then click delete, which will cause it to uninstall itself possibly asking you to restart your computer. when you get back to windows, your card will be at the worst settings because the drivers haven't been installed yet. this is called VGA mode, but it still looks better than the messed up colors when nvcpl is missing. when windows detects your nvidia card, cancel the wizard and go straight to your downloaded drivers, or if you don't have that, put in the driver disc that came with your card to begin with and install those drivers. it may ask you to restart your system with some cards to complete the install, but on the other hand, it may not ask you to do so. when you are done with these steps. your card should be up and running the way it should.

hit me up at if you need anymore help with this thing!!

p.s. print these instructions you may need to do this again. this problem happened a lot when i had to cancel a cd burning program and if it caused my system to freeze.

by the way i switched to ati, i love this 9700 Radeon pro!!!
Gary   2003-08-03 08:05
I have a great and simple solution to the dreaded problem

Missing Entry:NvStartup

Laptop: Toshiba 2805 S-402
O/S Windows 98 SE
Video Card: NVidia GE Force 2 Go (16MB RAM)


You guys are going to love me!

After battling with this problem for a couple of weeks, going to every possible web site

Following the step by step instructions with NO results.

Here is the solution!

1) Click Start
2) Click Run
3) Type: msconfig
4) Click OK
5) Select Startup Tab
6) Uncheck NvStartup
7) Click Apply
8) Reboot

P. S. There may be another Nvidia box that needs to be UNCHECKED that has an Nvidia file (this depends on your system and configuration) this box is located in the same place (msconfig) as mentioned above. You may need to scroll down the list and look for anything that addresses Nvidia.

Good Luck
Tyler   2003-08-30 06:19
Ok, so yes I have the same problem as you all do. I can't do the 'system restore' trick because I have it disabled on my system because of some virus crap. Going into msconfig, it doesnt list anything having to do with Nvidia in there (maybe thats the problem). So that didn't work. Only thing I havent tried is going to device manager and rolling back the video drivers. Try that out, and Ill let everyone know how its going.
Paul Vanderburg   2003-10-20 11:00
In Win98, my msconfig-startup tab shows two Nvidia programs that "magically appeared from nowhere" after I ran the installation program that was to update my drivers.


These were the two programs that had been added. Hope this helps.

Since I haven't yet restarted my PC, I'm only hoping that this will fix my problem. If you don't hear from me, then my PC is cleansed!!

Death to stupid programmers! It'll make life so much simpler for us smart ones.
Paul Vanderburg   2003-10-20 11:19
Just an update!

My PC is working fine, and no error message.

Death to stupid programmers! It'll make life so much simpler for us smart ones.
Shaun Fielding   2003-11-03 09:59

My nview.dll and krnl386.exe errors where doing my head in until I found your solution.

Thank you very, very much!!

plutonik   2003-11-08 22:59
I've got this stoopid problem, but my card is a radeon 9800 pro. i've uninstalled all the drivers (both the card and the nforce motherboard) yet i still get the missing nvcpl.dll error. any ideas?
Wedgy   2003-11-27 00:01
Re Nvstartup. Got this when downloading the new win98 TNT2 Nvidia drivers on Pcanswers drivers disk. Caused havoc! Eventually managed to load from Nvidia's home page but that didn't help. The advice above helped. I ran Ad-aware 6 in safe mode & got 9 dodgey items. Clearing these appears to have worked.
For clues to tasks running on your machine try Thanks for your help guys.

the01animal   2004-07-22 02:20
re nvstartup:
i too had this prob. i updated my drivers and missing entry nvstartup. i went to and downloaded riva tnt2 drivers....a file called win9xme. once extracted the file is 53.04 win9x english. the file 53.64 win9x english does not have the missing entry in it. for those who wish to know my vid card is an agp that says only CARDEXpert tnt2. it seems to be an invidia riva tnt2. hope this helps
NetBill   2004-08-11 08:41
It looks to me like the nvcpl.dll does not get updated when new drivers are installed, even though a new one gets put in the folder where you unzipped the new drivers. I had this problem and solved it quickly.
1. Make a copy of the nvcpl.dll file that is in the unzipped folder.
2. Rename it to nvcplX.dll (or anything you want)
3. Copy it to the Windows/System folder
4. Restart the system in DOS mode
5. Type:
del nvcpl.dll
(or ren nvcpl.dll nvcplOK.dll if you want to save it)
ren nvcplX.dll nvcpl.dll

When your computer re-starts Windows, the error should be gone - worked for me, but this is a preXP fix.
J B W Shane   2004-08-27 23:23
Here's what happened to me...

Short answer: Try reinstalling Windows Accessibility. (In *my* case.) (nVidia Desktop Manager and some other features use parts of Windows Accessibility.)

A longer answer:
(Even if the missing DLL in your case is one other than oleacc.dll, this will work.)

The problem is not a missing or unregistered NvCpl.dll file.

Rather, it is a missing dll used by NvCpl.dll. (Yes, DLLs can use other DLLs!) The culprit on my own system was oleacc.dll -- missing!

How could I tell? With FileAlyzer, a handy tool from the makers of Spybot S&D (, I got a list of DLLs imported by NvCpl.dll, then checked to see which ones were not present and registered. Find the most recent version of the missing DLL or DLLs (They may be backed up on your very own hard drive) and copy them to %SYSTEM%. nVidia driver package automatically reinstalls on startup with nwiz, and your recovered DLLs are registered for use with nVidia Control Panel.

Superman merely shortened a war that would have been lost without Bugs Bunny.
Biglugs   2004-09-10 06:30
I had the same problem with message "Error Loading C:\Windows\system\NvCpl.dll" after installing a clean Win98 system and the latest NVidia drivers.
I followed J B W Shane's tip and installed Windows Accessibility (which I hadn't included in the original install) and the next reboot the message has disappeared!
Tops! Many thanks for all posters
kim   2004-09-23 12:27
what do i do if iget this:ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features
Error during initialization
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows cannot find NvCpl.dll on XP

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