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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Change rez by shortcut.
BeaverPants   2002-12-31 07:25
is thare a way to change the rezalution of one of the monitors via a keyboard shortcut,
Christian Studer   2003-01-01 03:15
You could do this with UltraMon or PowerStrip.

Christian Studer -
BeaverPants   2003-01-04 06:18
how?? i set up 2 Display Profiles. and i can switch between them... but i have to use the mouse..

id like to use a keyboard shortcut. but i cant seem to make the profile a shortcut.
Christian Studer   2003-01-04 06:26
For UltraMon, go to Options > Hotkeys and create a new 'Apply display profile' hotkey.

Christian Studer -
BeaverPants   2003-01-04 07:14

that did the trick.

now i can use TV out right. and fast switching
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Change rez by shortcut.

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