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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> For those without...
Chris   2003-01-10 03:26
For those without multiple monitor set-ups and who use multimedia creation software (whether it's audio like Cubase with plugins, or Reason and so on - or whether it's graphics work using Paintshop, PhotoShop etc. Maybe Web Development.. OK, OK you get the picture) well if you do any of that - THEN GET A DECENT DUAL OUTPUT GRAPHICS CARD & A SECOND MONITOR - !!TODAY!!.

I've recently delved into it and to be blunt - I'm gobsmacked by the increased creativity it gives me!

I have a home music studio too, that was my primary focus for getting my two 17" IIyama Pro's and Geforce4 Ti card (no I don't play games at all but this £250 GFX card came at a good price - £0.00! Perc of being a head technician you see) So you can imagine the potential unlocked by having the two monitors - sequencers, virtual synths and other modules all over the place for me to control right away without having to minimize windows and stuff. To say I'm blown away is an understatement!

Well I don't want to rant, but if you got the money, space and need - get in on the dual view scene, it's!

I'm trying out UltraMon tonight to see how it goes - looks cool. Chances are though that I'll be using Nview instead when I build my new XP machine just to give both softwares a good testing before I choose my preferance.

Nview is very well put together software with much an intuitive design (packed with good features too that can maximize windows performance) but only if you have WinXP.

UltraMon looks good too - I'll be giving the demo a run for it's money tonight, and maybe shelling out for the full version if I'm impressed! I'll let ya know what I think (like you care :D ) and possibly give a little "newcomers review".

Anyway, typing for typing sakes now so ... errm ... ummm

Seeya soon.


Get a dual monitor setup today - One for each eye!

*We cannot be held liable for any upset caused to one eyed people.
Lanlan   2003-01-13 12:34

Same here, ever since I divulged myself to using TWO monitors, my productivity definetly intcreased.

Funny chris, I to use my dual monitor in my home music studio, however, I'm a Cakewalk user :).

My work setup also consists of dual monitors, it's so much fun especially as a web developer.

Now, if only I can get TWO chicks. :)

Mark Jerde   2003-01-17 10:21
Chris -- I agree!

Now, expand your thinking even more... Think what you could do with 3, 4 or more monitors.

I have a 4 monitor desktop computer. For email etc. just the 21" is on. When I'm writing Delphi software, the 19" & 17" are on too. When I want to test software on lower resolution like customers have, I turn on the 15" 1024x768.

When I wrote the help file for an application last summer, I wanted six monitors. I was continually uncovering the help file writer, Visual Basic to put in the ContextIDs, the image editor, Visual SourceSafe to save changes to another physical hard drive, testing the program, etc. etc. Four wasn't enough for that type of work.

Another time four is not enough is when doing comparisons, such as evaluating web hosts.

The jump from one to two monitors is great but don't stop there if you need more space!

-- Mark
Nick Spencer   2003-01-20 08:50

I can't imagine working on 1 small monitor anymore. Love that screen estate!


ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI 7500 PCI dual port (with a VERY fuzzy DVI output...)
3 Viewsonic G810 21" space heaters
Enjoying 4800x1200 nirvana....with a headache.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> For those without...

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