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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3d acceleration
Karl Strom   2003-01-10 06:07
I wonder if I run a 3d application like 3dsmax on both screens simultaneous will the performance get better since i have 2 cards ? and the same thin goes for photoshop, if i run Ps on the first display it takes advantage of the first card and if i run for example explorer it takes power from the second card? so the performance wont get worse?
thx for any replies.
Michael P   2003-01-11 08:29
Most of the Photoshop performance is due to Processor performance. Also since the computer's video card is refreshing what is showing in that perspective dual monitors would deminish performance since on a single monitor photoshop would be open showing and explorer would be behind it, but in dual both would be showing on each. But the actual difference is not significant at all. The real performance increase with duals is with productivity!
Karl Strom   2003-01-13 02:18
ok, thx dude. but what about 3d.I red here somewhere that i cant run opengl progs on the other screen ? Can i run say 3dsmax on the primary and photoshop on the secondary?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3d acceleration

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