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Forums -> VideoSaver -> Screen freeze and system hanged
Toney   2003-01-14 01:16
I've tried VideoSaver on my computers, but both encounter the same problem, the VSaver freeze and the machine hanged everytime it plays for about 15 minutes, is that the VSaver requires a very good display card or something.
My computers config : 1. Athlon 550Mhz, Nvidia TNT2 32MB, 256 MB RAM, running Windows 98. 2. Duron 1.1Ghz, Nvidia TNT2 16 MB, 128 MB RAM, Running Windows ME.

Christian Studer   2003-01-14 06:02
Make sure you have the latest drivers for your video cards, VideoSaver can expose bugs in the display driver. I've had problems with some versions of the Nvidia drivers on my system as well.

Also check if you have power saving enabled, for example standby. Usually this should work fine, but it could cause problems with VideoSaver.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> Screen freeze and system hanged

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