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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> mirror-driver
Frans   2003-01-17 09:23
Would it be possible to use mirror application to create a virtual monitor that pushes output to a 2nd, lan connected PC, simular to application sharing? Input from the 2nd PC would not be required, it would be for display only.
Christian Studer   2003-01-17 10:10
This isn't possible at the moment.

BTW, would the first PC have two displays (dualhead card or two video cards), or would the second display need to be a virtual one?

Christian Studer -
Frans   2003-01-20 07:45
Idea is that the 2nd monitor is the virtual one.

Goal would be to have a low-cost PC connnected to a video beamer and via the virtual-monitor, make it possible to simply connect via WLAN and do a presentation. The vmon wouldn't need to be doing 30fps but should be responsive enough to allow browsing trough a PPT (about 3fps) and, if possible, show the annimations (probably about 10fps). All of this via a 11Mbps LAN...

Don't know if its possible but would be a killer-app for most companies :-)

Christian Studer   2003-01-20 08:48
I think it would be possible technically, but wouldn't it be easier to just download the presentation and run it locally?

Christian Studer -
Frans   2003-01-30 08:55
Well, the idea would be that anyone within a meeting room could just take control over the beamer (=2nd virtual monitor) and display whatever application or information he has to share. just imagine a meeting room with several people bringing in a WLAN enabled laptop or tablet. No more switching of cables, simple software based switching between presentations of different people. Would make live really easy :-)

I found a device that can do this but it seems to be crap, see and

Alternative to a 'virtual monitor' would be something like a 'reverse terminal server session' where the central computer, connected to the beamer would connect to any of the available laptops/tablets.

Well, to put it short, it requires a realtime software solution!

Frans   2003-01-30 08:56
Oops, the URL's got lost...

Christian Studer   2003-01-31 01:08
Very interesting idea, but would rather be a new product than a feature for UltraMon.

I'll keep it in mind, I might have to implement remote mirroring for another planned product, and this would also be the main component of such a presentation solution.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> mirror-driver

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