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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 8500 - second Monitor not detected
Nils   2003-01-22 21:03
Hi Everyone,

I have win2k and 2 iiyama HA202DT 22inch hooked up to my Radeon 8500, Resolution 3200x1200.
When i install Ultramon, it doesn't recognize the second Monitor.

Any help?

Nite   2003-01-23 03:48
res 3200x1200 means that you use the spanned/stretched mode?

that way there effectively *is* only one monitor.

Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Keith   2003-01-23 04:37
Make sure you are using the newest Catalyst 3.0 drivers, then the second monitor will show up in the displays tab of the Catalyst 3.0 control panel. I, also, have a question if you have a chance to check and reply, do you get OpenGl acceleration on both monitors? Thanks.
Keith Baker
Nils   2003-01-23 07:33
Thanks for your help guys. Is it possible not to use the stretched mode with the ATI Radeon 8500 under win2k?

Keith   2003-01-27 03:32
The choices for each monitor using the Catalyst 3.0 and the displays tab are clone or stretched. Stretched is what ATI calls the Big desktop and that is different than under XP or with the 9700/9500 cards which give an extended desktop. In the extended desktop resolutions are reported for each monitor, such as 1600x1200.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Radeon 8500 - second Monitor not detected

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