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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> switching contents of two monitors
cracksloth   2003-01-23 17:11
has anyone accomplished (scripted) the ability to switch the contents of two monitors? for example, i run two monitors:

monitor 1 is my primary display running photoshop at 1280x1024

monitor 2 is my secondary is playing a divx movie at 800x600.

is it possible to switch the contents of these monitors so that:
monitor 1 is playing a fullscreen divx movie at 800x600
and monitor 2 is running photoshop at 1280x1024?

i apologize for the daft example but i expect problems in switching the content of the monitors (getting photoshop over to monitor 2 and a fullscreen movie over to monitor 1). so do you guys think it can be done? i would appreciate any experience anyone has with this.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> switching contents of two monitors

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