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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Word display glitches with dual display
Lorenzo   2003-02-07 12:57
In Word, I have a very long document (900 pages). When I am in dual view, I see some glitches in Word display. Some lines are occasionnaly cloned on over another at scrolling time, and in some circumstances, the cursor is positionned on one line but editing affects the line below or above. Not a big issue, but a nuisance nonetheless.

Disabling dual view solve the issue at once.

UltraMon is not the culprit since the same problem happens without having it loaded.

I have a laptop Toshiba with Trident Video Accelerator CyberBlad XP Ai1 and latest Driver available v6.4022-016B.22ICDNP.

In MS-Word forum, I've been suggested to check video driver.

In video driver forum, I've been suggested to check the dual-monitor issue.

So here I am. :-)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Word display glitches with dual display

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