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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Set screen ID in windows
Amarcellin   2015-09-15 01:51
Hi, I'm looking for a way to force ID for each screen on a pc (I've an app using these ID to display windows)

I make a try on my PC, I've 2 screens
* Left is 2 in windows
* Right is 1

I run Display Settings, and switch monitor number between the two screens. Ultramon now sees 1 in left and 2 in right, but there's no effect on windows screen's ID, even after a reboot (2 as left, 1 as right)

Does UltraMon screen manage differe from windows screen manage ? Is there a way to apply ultramon config to windows config ?

Christian Studer   2015-09-15 07:06
UltraMon can only change its own numbering, to change the numbering used by Windows you would need to swap monitor cables, monitor numbers are assigned to specific ports on the video card.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Set screen ID in windows

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