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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows HUD (Head-Up-Display)
Wierdbeard65   2016-03-13 09:48
I do a lot of webcasting and webinars and am trying to build an Auto-Cue / HUD so I can effectively mount my camera "behind" my screen.

The hardware part is relatively easy, but I need to be able to reverse my monitor, since I will actually be viewing a reflection of it.

I can see that UltraMon can do this, but only when mirroring an existing monitor. I don't need the "right-way-round" view and don't want to waste an output from my video card.

Is there a way to do this without a second monitor. How about some kind of "fake" monitor?

All help gratefully accepted.

(BTW, I know there is AutoCue software out there that can do this, but that is just for a script / text. I want to actually see the desktop and / or the application I am viewing!

Thanks in Advance

Christian Studer   2016-03-13 12:29
Does your monitor have two inputs? If yes you could connect two outputs from the video card to the same monitor, then switch to the main input when you want to boot the system/log in (as UltraMon mirroring isn't active at that time), and switch to the other input when you want to see the flipped display.

I would also recommend checking if performance is sufficient for your needs, UltraMon mirroring won't be as fast as a hardware mirroring solution.

Christian Studer -
Wierdbeard65   2016-03-13 19:21
Thanks for the rapid reply!

Unfortunately, it's the card outputs that are the issue....

Is it possible to invert a screen in hardware?

Thanks in Advance

Christian Studer   2016-03-14 05:29
I guess a video card driver should be able to do this, but I'm not aware of any which have support for flipping the display.

Christian Studer -
Wierdbeard65   2016-03-14 06:30
I did wonder if there are any "fake" drivers out there that would work? Something that makes Windoze think there is a card / monitor there but that basically sends to output to /dev/null.

Are there any that are known to work?

Thanks in Advance

Christian Studer   2016-03-14 12:18
I'm not aware of anything like that, but would also think that this should be possible.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows HUD (Head-Up-Display)

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