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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors and Docking Station
Jesse   2016-03-31 09:54
I am currently running a Windows 7 laptop with a docking station that allows me have 3 monitors in my configuration. My question, is there a way that UltraMon can remember what monitor apps where in before and after docking?

So what happens is that when I undock the laptop, all the apps go the primary monitor (laptop), but when I re-dock the laptop, the apps stay with the primary monitor and do not return to their positions before the un-docking so I have to manually place them.

Jesse Baumgartner
Christian Studer   2016-03-31 12:37
Do you shut down the laptop when undocking and then manually start applications again, or do all apps keep running?

Christian Studer -
Andrew   2016-06-22 06:48
I have the exact same question as Jesse above. To answer your question Christian, I do not shut down the laptop. Sometimes I undock/re-dock the laptop without locking or hibernating at all (carrying the laptop across the hall to a conference room). Sometimes I hibernate the laptop first (to carry it in a laptop bag). Regardless, I leave all windows/applications open. I do this multiple times a day and tend to have lots of windows open, so resizing and re-positioning the windows becomes tedious. Will UltraMon remember my docked/undocked windows settings for me?
Christian Studer   2016-06-22 13:09
Andrew, UltraMon doesn't have an automatic fix for this, but you could use the Save/RestoreWndPos scripts to save window positions before undocking and restore them after docking. The scripts only work if applications are left running.

Christian Studer -
Andrew   2016-06-23 06:18
Thank you!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors and Docking Station

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