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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win7 - Disable secondary display for certain users?
unknownsoldierx   2016-07-12 19:03
I have an old Win7 machine with an old ATI x800 hooked up to an old CRT TV via s-video. I've run the cable to the TV on the other side of the room.

Haven't had any problems on my user account, but another user logged in today and their desktop icons were gone. They had moved over to the TV. I disabled the secondary display to fix it for them, but I'm worried that the next time the TV is used it will happen again.

Is there a way to have the secondary display enabled only for my user account? Using UltraMon or anything else?
Christian Studer   2016-07-13 13:11
You could do that with an UltraMon display profile (UltraMon menu > Display Profiles), create a profile under the other user account with only the primary monitor enabled, and configure the profile to get applied at login.

Christian Studer -
unknownsoldierx   2016-07-31 00:15
Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure how well that will work since one of the users in question is pretty much always logged in. Unless there is a way to do it when using the switch user feature.
Christian Studer   2016-07-31 14:17
I'm not sure if that's possible, Task Scheduler has a 'connection to user session' event trigger which looks like it should do the job, but for me this didn't work, I used Notepad for testing and this only got launched when switching to one of the two user sessions.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Win7 - Disable secondary display for certain users?

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