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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> v330 tv out not working/Freeze-crash/video upside down on 2nd monitor!
jayme   2003-02-21 09:38
Ok, multiple problems are occuring here, just for reference my system is:
Win2000 SP3
ECS K7S5A SiSĀ® 735 Motherboard
(underclocked to 1500)
primary card: nvidia Geforce2 Ultra
secondary card: Diamond v330
1) Im getting seemingly random freezup-crashes, just everything stops. Its happened just after startup, and also after a bit of testing and going online.

2)The tv out on the v330 is all scrambled, now I know it usually doesnt work when the monitor on the v330 is plugged in, but even when its not pluged in it doesnt work. Also when the tv is plugged in and the monitor is not, the Geforce2 Ultra screen freezes on startup (windows still loads as you can barely see on the scrambled tv).

3)Now this is the wierdest one. I will open up a video (avi, DivX) in mplayer2.exe and it runs fine on the primary monitor, I will move it over to the second monitor and it remains fine when it is split between both monitors, but one it is moved completely over to the second monitor it flips Upside Down! The movie will remain upside down even if brought back to the primary monitor.

So yeh thats it, Im going to continue to mess around and research but if you have any clues that might help, id appreciate it, thanks!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> v330 tv out not working/Freeze-crash/video upside down on 2nd monitor!

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