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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> geforce 4 multiple display prob
rgvkid   2003-02-22 04:36
ive got a geforce 4 which im trying to hook up to a tv for films.
i can plug in a second monitor no probs and it works fine,but doesnt seem to
like the tv. there is an s-video out,which im told i would have to use a box
for (apparently the signal is different),and another socket (small
aeriel-style socket) next to it,which i have plugged a lead into,but no joy.
i have stacks of new drivers for it,and nview recognises there is something
plugged in,and changes settings accordingly eg low colours,but nothing on
assume this socket is an oputput bcos its ruight next to the s-video out,and
it has inputs on the front of the pc (medion).
many thanks for any help,
ps a site i was looking at said it was only s-video out,but why would the
socket next to the s-video be input on front and back of pc then ??
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> geforce 4 multiple display prob

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