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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What do I need for mirrored/cloned displays with overlay?
Alan   2003-02-26 00:47
I need some help picking components for my HTPC. I'd like to be able to send an identical display to VGA and composite video outputs simultaneously. I will use a VGA to component video transcoder to connect to my HDTV, and send the composite video to a modulator to feed my whole-house distribution system. I am using WMP9 to display video both windowed and fullscreen, and need to have the media player and desktop applications shown identically on both displays, without disabling hardware acceleration.

Can anyone recommend a particular card or cards that would support this requirement? Or would my best bet be to use an external scan converter like the AVerKey300 Gold?

Christian Studer   2003-02-26 02:17
UltraMon mirroring doesn't support it, and Nvidia clone mode also can't do it, I just tested this in my GeForce4 review.

If you are interested, I can test this with the Matrox Parhelia when I do the review update.

Christian Studer -
Alan   2003-02-26 06:31
Christian, I would appreciate that. I've been reading about the Parhelia but couldn't tell if it could do what I wanted.

steph99   2003-03-24 18:06

any news on this issue?
Christian Studer   2003-03-24 23:04
Works fine with the Parhelia, see the review for details.

Christian Studer -
Andy   2003-03-24 23:10
I've managed to get overlays on both my monitors using a Geforce4 with a dvi-vga converter.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> What do I need for mirrored/cloned displays with overlay?

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