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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> still looking for pci card to work with 9700
Mangyrat   2003-03-01 16:03
anyone got any sugestions on a pci card to work with ati 9700. i need the best one i can get for gameing. i have 3 matching or close to matching monitors kds 19 inch one is a avitron the other 2 are xtream flats. 2 monitor gameing sucks. and befor you say it yea i know i shuld have went with perila but im a hard core gamer so a lot of games are gona be run on one monitor only due to them not runing on 3 monitors but some of the older game i would love to play on 3 monitor sys.
Mangyrat   2003-03-02 12:29
i see in the galery that some are useing the gf 4 mx 440 pci cards but my question is after all the crap i went threw to remove the nvidia drivers so the ati 9700 would work with games and not crash why would i even think of puting them back in? to use a mx to power my 3rd monitor.
something is not adding up "remove all traces of nvidia drivers befor you install the cat 3 drivers or your ati 9700 will crash in games or not run them at all. then if i install a gf 4 mx pci to use 3 monitors thats gona put me right back where i started is it not?" lol looks like im staying with 2 monitors and not 3.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> still looking for pci card to work with 9700

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