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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitor support
Ron   2003-03-04 22:12
I am having problems using two monitors.

MSI k7266 pro Motherboard.
768 mb memory
1-flat Daewoo flat screen (1) ATI All-In-Wonder 8500 128 mg
1-crt- (2) ATI 7000 32mg

AGP-All IN Wonder 8500 128mb
PC-ATI 7000(I am not sure which slot)

I can't get the two cards to run together. Once I install the AIW in the AGP and download the latest Catalyst drivers 3x. and then try to intall the ATI 7000, the system hangs when Windows tries to load.

I need some suggestions on how to get this to work

kev   2003-03-08 17:36
make sure the pci card is set to primary in bios. since the pic card is probably the lesser of the 2, you can then set the apg as primary in windows.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two monitor support

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