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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 Monitor VB6 / Director issues
Rob   2003-03-07 08:16
I have a 4 monitor Macromedia Director app I am trying to demo on a Matrox G200 MMS (4 x 640 x 480; aka 2560 x 480), on Win2k. Problem is, the 2560x 480 director projector only shows monitor 1. I installed UltraMon, and got it to display all 4 prefectly (great app btw!), problem is I have no budget for that or the SDK.
I made a VB6 app that checks for a specified window, then runs a SetWindowPos from 0,0 to 2560,480 to make the app fill the entire desktop, all 4 monitors. Testing on apps like solitaire, IE, etc. worked fine, but the 2560x480 Director projector won't stretch. It enums the projector fine, and will move it anywhere in the first monitor, just won't span to additional monitors. Any ideas on how I can stretch a Director app to 4 monitors using VB as a boot-up band-aid? Thanks in advance!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 4 Monitor VB6 / Director issues

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