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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Even more wallpapers...
Chris Riffey   2003-03-11 04:40
Fine! No one liked my find from the U.S. Library of Congress (I'll admit, they were all in black and white and some of the good ones you had to photoshop out the white strip in the middle) but there were some great ones in there!

Well, I found this other site that has a TON of great pano scenery. The only prob is, the ones he gives you are mostly 600 high which means if you are running at a higher res like me (1280x1024x3) then they might get a little pixelated if you stretch them.

The almost good news is that he also gives you access to the REALLY high res originals, however you can only view them in "slices" so you have to put them together yourself if you want a really high-res pano. However, if you find one that you like, more power to you. The site is:
Christian Studer   2003-03-12 11:10
Thanks for the links, I'll add them to the links page.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Even more wallpapers...

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