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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Monitor Mirroring - Black screen recursively mirrored when display unplugged
Tyler   2017-05-09 13:59
I'm having an issue while mirroring one display to another. When the second monitor is unplugged while mirrored, the primary monitor goes black, showing only the taskbar and the cursor. This image seems to be mirrored onto itself such that a series of these images creates a trail to the center of the top of the screen. it sort of resembles Guitar Hero but in reverse.

The only ways I've found to recover are to stop mirroring or kill UltraMon. Plugging the second monitor back in does not recover to two mirrored images. The primary display shows the same image and the second monitor shows an extended desktop.

The two displays have different aspect ratios (16:10 and 16:9 respectively), so Windows is set to Extended desktop.

Windows 7 x64 with Nvidia Quadro GPU
UltraMon 3.3.0 x64

Are there any settings or profiles I can mess with to prevent/remedy this? Any help is appreciated.
Christian Studer   2017-05-11 04:37
There's no fix for this at the moment, I'll look into this for one of the next releases. You would need to stop mirroring manually, either via the UltraMon menu or a hotkey.

Christian Studer -
Tyler   2017-05-12 12:18
If there are any settings or logs that I can supply that would help with this, let me know and I will supply them if I am able.

Christian Studer   2017-05-13 04:29
That's not necessary, I can reproduce the issue on my test system.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Monitor Mirroring - Black screen recursively mirrored when display unplugged

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