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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question for Christian (presets manager)
Kristian   2017-10-30 04:35
Hello Christian,

I hope life finds you well. At my work, I was given 3x Nec 2490WUXI2, great by any means, just lacks the most important thing I have with my Sony and Eizo monitors at home - dedicated presets for different brightness tasks.

One has to dive into menu to select them, and I really dislike such approach. I haven’t followed recent software that much, and I can see there are many different solutions. So I would kindly ask you - what software utility would you recommend firsthand? One that would allow me to have the most elegant way of choosing different light levels via presets for each 2490WUXI2. Even better, presets one could trigger with keyboard hotkeys.

Thank you

P.S. How difficult or demanding would be for Ultramon to implement such feature in the near future? For user to choose different presets for each monitor, making quick change of brightness levels.
Christian Studer   2017-10-30 12:51
Doing fine, thanks. I don't know if there's a vendor-independent app which does this, I had looked into this for UltraMon some time ago (around Windows 7 I think) but couldn't get it working, might be worth it to give it another try with Windows 10.

Christian Studer -
Kristian   2017-10-30 13:52
Hello Christian,

Well, there are about 20 serious candidates, ranging from calibration solution like ColorEyes Display Pro which facilitate such option, to other dedicated monitor diagnostic type of application that offer such function. Problem is, there are too many of them, who has time to test them all, that is the reason I’ve asked you, or perhaps someone else reading your forum, could supply firsthand recommendation.

Those Nec monitors at least have some excuse being from previous decade, but models from today, I’m truly amazed, how the most essential functions are reduced to menu diving, when any professional or higher range monitor should have dedicated light/preset buttons - period
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Question for Christian (presets manager)

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