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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Disable integrated monitor if HDMI is switched on
elektrinis   2017-12-28 11:19

I have a home media center setup with a tablet and a HDMI projector, which is always connected. It is running windows 10 and a single full screen application - Kodi.
The idea is to have Kodi on built-in display when projector is off, so it would display music cover art, internet ratio information, etc. But when I power up the projector, I want it to move everything on to projector and disable/blank the built-in screen.

Is that possible to do with Ultramon?
Christian Studer   2017-12-28 15:12
Should be possible with a custom script which periodically checks if the projector is enabled, but I would first check what happens if you turn off the projector.

To do this turn on the projector, then set it as the primary monitor and disable the tablet screen under Settings > System > Display, then turn off the projector.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Disable integrated monitor if HDMI is switched on

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