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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 mons permedia problems
Thunder   2000-12-10 01:23
I have searched many database and it even appears permedia 2 can be a problem child in use as a second video card in win 98.
For me when the mouse pointer is on the permidia monitor card the system may freeze expicially whan clicking a box to open a program or to ask for soemething. Does any body else have this similar problem and know a fix?
I have down loaded newest drivers for permedia and vodoo 3500 and using win 98 drivers for s3 card. Im running vodoo3500 agp as primary in asus a7v mb with permedia 2 as second mon and s3 verge 325 as 3rd mon. Presently I have on order 2 ati cards expert 98 PCI with 8 meg onboard each for use as secondary and third monitor cards, hoping replacing the permedia 2 and s3 virge 325 will help. Any ideas anybody?
Christian Studer   2000-12-11 04:37
Have you tried using a different PCI slot for the Permedia2?

Christian Studer
Thunder   2000-12-12 02:01
Yes i have tried using a different PCI slot for the Permedia2.

Do you have first hand experience with the permedia 2 card?

Usually in each database i search i find some problems using permedia 2 but not a defined problem cause and a valid countermeasure.

Example microsoft says there is problems with permedia but not permedia2.... is there some left over programing code that causes conflict in the permedia 2 but did not show up in thier testing? Also in the database here there is a person running Qty of 2 Permedia cards as secondary and he also has had and appears to continue to have lock up or freze up problems. Basically what happens to me is mouse and keyboard lock up.... the video displays ok and audio continues to play. Does that give you any ideas?
Christian Studer   2000-12-13 09:23
I'm currently using a Permedia2 for my third monitor, and at some time was using two Permedia2's, one AGP and one PCI.

It does and always has worked fine with Win2000, but my current configuration doesn't work with Win98/Me, no idea why, I'm using exactly the same drivers as with previous Permedia2 configs, the only difference is that it is my 3rd card instead of 1st and 2nd. And it's not just an occasional lock up, I can't even enable the Permedia2...

Christian Studer
Thunder   2000-12-28 11:06

Well i got in 2 ati xpert98 cards installed them and no problems with lock up, looks like permedia 2 and win 98 have some issues still best not to use permedia for multi mon under win 98

Thunder   2000-12-28 11:07

Well i got in 2 ati xpert98 cards installed them and no problems with lock up, looks like permedia 2 and win 98 have some issues still best not to use permedia for multi mon under win 98

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 mons permedia problems

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