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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ti4200 wont work with 2 monitors, Im using dvi-vga converter, help?
chargin   2003-03-25 09:45
Its really bizarre, once I got the dektop to clone on both monitors, then, because I wanted it spanned I changed it to span and lost the other monitor. Now if I do the exact same as I did to get the clone it doesnt work. Rebooting shows both monitors cloned through the post and bootup screens until you get to the destop the the secondary monitor cuts out. Whenever I drag something into the other monitor it clicks like the refresh rate change sound, also when trying to play with the settings for that monitor in display properties it clicks a lot, still blacked out though. Ive tried swapping the 2 monitors over so they are plugged into the other connector on the 4200 but this didnt work either.
I have read that not all ti4200 cards can output both sides at once but this one has once in windows and every bootup. Ive tried palying with resolutions and refresh rates. Im using winxp and 40.41 and just installed 40.72 with no luck. What the heck am I doing wrong?
chargin   2003-03-25 10:21
Wow it works now, I downloaded the UltraMon software and played with the settings, I "disabled secondary" the enabled it, booom the other monitor flicked into life, spanned horizontally. Ive spent 2 hours reading this forum and never came accross anyone mentioning the ultramon software as a fix for anything! just saw it as a way of doing a few extra tweeks, well it worked for me. Now Im afraid to reboot :) also wondering if I can get it to just work using windows only without third party software, oh well I might have to register it.
Christian Studer   2003-03-25 10:35
You can also disable/enable monitors manually by going to Display Properties and changing the 'Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor' setting.

UltraMon generally has no features to fix or troubleshoot multi-monitor setup issues, but glad to hear it worked for you!

Christian Studer -
chargin   2003-03-25 16:10
Hmm sad, after a reboot Im back to where I was, I had swapped the mointors around so the primary monitor was coming from the DVI output and now thats all I have is the dvi on my main monitor, the secondary which is on the vga connector isnt showing up, and device properties doesnt see any other monitors and so I cant start playing with the settings..... any ideas?
Prime2134   2003-05-07 04:21
I am having the same problem. Have a Leadtek MyVivo TI 4800. I had it working a couple months ago. I hooked up to 2 monitors using the vga and vga/dvi adapter on the card. I am now trying to do the same with my new DVI flat panel and a project. In the display properties it has the 2 monitors and I extend my desktop, but it never shows up on the VGA port. I knew the cable is good because I have hooked my laptop to it and it displays on the projector fine. But ever since I hooked up the DVI my VGA slot doesn’t seem to work.
Please Help
Eric Carlson   2003-05-09 14:36
I had that problem with my PNY Ti4200 when I had an analog LCD and a regular CRT hooked up. Only the CRT would be recognized, no matter which port the analog LCD was connected to. When I use dual CRT's (which is what I normally use) both monitors work fine.

I guess the cards don't know how to recognize an analog LCD when a CRT is also connected.
James Burton   2003-05-11 06:28
I have to say I've got exactly the same problem. Leadtek A280 TD MyVIVO card (Ti-4800SE) on a MSI K7N2G-ILSR board a fresh install of XP Pro.

Nothing I do will get XP to see that extra monitor. When booting up, both displays (LG 1710S with VGA-port only) display the same image - until I get into Windows that is, when the second display goes blank for good.

I've got a fair bit of experience of dual monitors, with Matrox cards and a Shuttle SN42G2 (with dual VGA out from the nForce2) so I should know how to set it up.

But alas - it simply will not see that extra monitor...
James Burton   2003-05-11 06:38
You know, incredible. I just tried Eric's solution above and plugged in an old CRT to the DVI port on the A280 and would you believe it, it all suddenly started working and I had the dual monitor support I wanted.

However, if I plug back the LCD screen Windows quickly forgets it has a secondary monitor attached.

Will someone on the nView or WinXP programming team fix this please!
Eric Carlson   2003-05-11 13:54
Glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this problem. It means there's more hope that someone will develop a fix. BTW: I'm running Windows 2000/SP3, so it's not limited to Windows XP.

- Eric,
Eric Carlson   2003-05-11 13:57
Let's all report the problem to our card manufacturers, so there will be some hope of a solution being developed.

- Eric,
BaDDaSS   2003-07-01 21:46
I have this problem also with my Ti4200, BUT it worked fine in XP.
Now that i am in 2000 i just do not see my second monitor is display properties or anything :/

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ti4200 wont work with 2 monitors, Im using dvi-vga converter, help?

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