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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> My primary monitor went to grayscale
Bob   2018-03-27 20:09
I'm on a dual monitor dual boot Windows 10/OS X system with a Radeon 5700 graphics card. When I boot to OS X, both monitors are in color. This was also the case at first when I installed Windows 10, but suddenly when Windows Defender hit on something it didn't like (maybe a coincidence), and I clicked on its message to check it out, my primary monitor went to grayscale, and it's been that way ever since (but not in OS X}.

I tried playing with the color filters on/off setting in Windows to no avail. I tried a minimal boot, but that didn't help.

Any ideas? Is there something in the registry I can fiddle with to put my primary screen back into color? It's an Apple Cinema Display if that matters.

Bob A
Christian Studer   2018-03-28 14:34
I would check the settings in the video card software as well, apart from that I don't know what else you could try.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> My primary monitor went to grayscale

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