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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ALT TAB not minimizing game
Jordi   2018-06-20 01:02
I read many articles on the internet about this "problem" but I still dont't have a solution.

Can Multimon keep a game active on a monitor while ALT TABBING to another monitor. I don't want my game to be minimized.
Christian Studer   2018-06-20 01:58
UltraMon can't help with this, I also don't know if there is another solution.

Christian Studer -
Jordi   2018-06-20 02:59
That's too bad. It would be a really nice feature.
Zepheris   2022-07-08 05:40
Run the game in borderless windowed mode. I've had no issues this way.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ALT TAB not minimizing game

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