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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd Monitor Becomes Primary When I Close Laptop Lid
Captain   2018-07-20 00:20

I've been using UltraMon for a few years now and have never had any issues with it, but yesterday Windows 10 installed several updates to my laptop and somehow changed my display settings.
I have my laptop screen as my primary monitor and a larger external screen as the secondary.
I have always enabled/disabled the 2nd screen via the UltraMon icon in the notification are and, at night, I always disable the 2nd screen and close my laptop lid (so I can still listen to audio).
Suddenly this has become an issue. Now after closing the laptop lid, the 2nd screen automatically turns on and becomes the primary monitor - not ideal if you're trying to sleep!
Does anyone know what changes need to be made in order to resolve this?

Christian Studer   2018-07-20 03:22
I'm not sure if there's a software fix for this, what you could do is turn the monitor off/on via the power button on the monitor instead of via UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Captain   2018-07-20 03:34
Obviously I can physically turn it on and off, but that's not what was happening before the Windows update.
I suspect it's something to do with the lid closing settings, but I'm not sure what.
At the moment I have it set to 'do nothing' when the lid closes (as I want the audio to continue), but I don't see how/why this would wake up the 2nd screen - especially when it's set as disabled.
Could it be a change to the power options that is part of a recent Windows update?

Christian Studer   2018-07-22 14:03
I have now tested this on my own laptop and see the same behavior, Windows 10 version 1803, when closing the lid the internal monitor gets turned off and the external monitor gets turned on. No idea though if this behavior can be changed.

Christian Studer -
Anne Schimke   2018-07-30 05:58
I am seeing something similar but it is with a desktop system. Everytime I restart my computer, the main monitor switches and the taskbar instead of being with the main switches. I had been able to change it back with UltraMon, but this morning I wasn't able to make the change. I have three monitors, in Windows they show up as 1, 3, 2. 3 is actually my main display. When I restart, 1 becomes the main display and the desktop icons and taskbar move to monitor 1.

Anne S
Christian Studer   2018-07-31 16:10
Anne, what happened if you tried to set monitor 3 as primary via UltraMon?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd Monitor Becomes Primary When I Close Laptop Lid

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