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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Powerpoint pauses when using other apps
Gabe   2003-03-31 03:59
I need to run powerpoint pres on one monitor while using another program on the other however everytime i select the other program powerpoint pauses i am using win 2000 and powerpoint xp (2002) no programs yet please help me it does the samething when displaying it in internert explorer
Bill   2003-05-04 11:56
I have the same problem. I found software called "flipper" which will continue to advance the slide show automatically while you use another program. I don't know how well it works or if it will allow you to edit the powerpoint presentation on the fly. I need to be able to edit and the manually advance the slide show on the secondary monitor without it freezing.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Powerpoint pauses when using other apps

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