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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Card Suggestions
Chrome   2003-04-01 04:35
I'm putting together a 3 LCD monitor system. I would like for all the monitors to
be running on DVI outputs. So the Matrox Parahelia is not a really an option.
This system will not be for gaming.

I'm currently running a Matrox G400 card. I like this card for its siplicity,
but not some of the things that it does. Such as windows maximizing across the
entire display, the Start button being on one display and the system tray on
the other side.

From what I can tell, the Ultramon program takes care of these problems.
But from my understanding, I will have to run 3 seperate video cards. 1 AGP and 2 PCI.
Which is not a problem.

On some of your suggestions, I've found a couple of different video cards that
I'm interested in.

ATI Radeon 9000 PRO AGP 4X 128MB DDR Video Card w/TV-Out, DVI & CRT
ATI Radeon 9000 PCI 64MB DDR Video Card w/TV-Out, DVI & CRT. Both available at

Has anyone had any experience with or read reviews on these 2 video cards?
Does anyone know of any problems or conflicks I might encounter running these
cards together?
Christian Studer   2003-04-01 07:45
UltraMon won't fix the issues you mentioned, you'll need to install the latest Windows 2000 drivers and enable independent displays during setup.

Christian Studer -
Chrome   2003-04-01 08:33
Maybe I read the features of UltraMon incorrectly. But I thought if you are running UltraMon and multiple video cards(not a single DualHead card), you can have the task bar on one screen. Not streched across all displays. And then you can add bars to the other displays, that only show the program windows that are on that display. Also when you maximize a window, it only maximizes to the display that its on, not across all displays. Is this not correct?

Also, I was wanting to know if those cards would be good ones to run together. Or if there would be problems with running them?

Or if someone has any recommendation of another video card setup that would meet my needs.
Chrome   2003-04-01 08:47
I've read in another post that sometimes you have to set the PCI card as the primary card. Is this a problem that I might run into with this PCI card. Plus the fact that I'm going to run 2 of the same PCI cards. Will this cause conflicts?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video Card Suggestions

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