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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Successful dual displays, OpenGl hardware and DirectX 8
Torbjörn Håkanssom   2000-12-11 04:13

After about 20-30 different tries to install NVIDIA:s 6.47 detonator drivers to my 2 graphics card I have some success. I have OpenGl acceleration in hardware on my primary Asus 7700 card without disable the second card. I have hardware accelerated Direct3D - DirectX 8 on both cards. The second card is a TNT2 M64 PCI. I can run the Dolphin SDK example on both displays.

The installation process was weird, the only way to get it to work was to set my TNT2 as primary in bios, then win2000 detected this card first and it worked.

But I wonder if some knows how to get games like MS Flight Sim to use the proper card, if I use my second monitor its looks like its my Geforce card that render to both displays. It is the same phenomena in the Dolfin example, if you move the window to the other monitor, the program don’t change device automatically.

Torbjörn Håkansson
Computer Graphics Developer
Christian Studer   2000-12-11 04:33
That's just a limitation of the sample applications (and Flight Simulator was pre-DX8). You could easily modify the samples, for example by handling WM_MOVE:
- get the monitor the window is currently on with MonitorFromWindow
- check if this is the same monitor, if not, change rendering device

I guess it would even be possible to accelerate windows spanning two monitors, by creating a separate device for both parts of the window, but that's probably not worth the trouble.

Christian Studer
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Successful dual displays, OpenGl hardware and DirectX 8

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