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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> rollovers
Chris   2003-04-05 12:53
I'm not entirely sure whether this has been posted before, but i'm gonna post again, mostly becasue i've searched and searched for a solution and can't get one.

I have an ATI RADEON 9700 with dual monitors, and winXP, and rollovers don't seem to work properly on the second monitor... i'll give an example...

in IE, i rollover a link, it shows me the hand, and flickers whatever rollover action is due to tak eplace, but then removes it straight away, same goes for the url in the status bar. Some applications seem to work in similart ways, including flash movies. I wouldn't normally fuss about somethinga s trivial as this, but a) I am a web designer, and it is very very annoying, and b) i can't find a solution, which is making me more resolute...

can anyone help
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> rollovers

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