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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen movie jumped to monitor instead on tv, help!!!
Anson   2003-04-10 20:22
Window XP Pro
S3 VGA vard - connected to monitor
Nvidia GF4 Mx400 - connected to tv, driver-winxp/2k43.45
Problem1: I can only choose Dualview, clone/spam is grayout
Problem2: When I drag media player to tv screen show full screen mode, the movie jump back to the monitor, only wmp menu bar etc is on the tv. How do I get this work?
p/s: setting the primary output to the tv made all icons and login screen appear on tv, not acceptable.
RMIce127   2003-04-19 18:31
Get Windows Media Player 9 to have it maximize to the monitor that you are on and not the primay one.
stargate   2003-09-04 05:17
Try an application that I wrote. Just select whatever monitor you want from the dropdown box. Download MM Player from
darkheart   2003-09-04 15:28
I'm having the exact same problem. I'm using windows media player 9. I cant figure out how to get MM player to play a DVD. Any help would be appreciated.
stargate   2003-09-05 18:43
Hmm MM Player does not support DVD playback at this time, but I can attepmt to change that ;). If I succeed I'll post back here.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen movie jumped to monitor instead on tv, help!!!

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