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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8500DV (AGP) + Radeon 7000 (PCI)
Vince   2003-04-15 09:14
I have the above two cards installed in my system. Using the 8500 as the primary adapter. Multiple monitors works well with most everything as far as I can tell but when I want to use the TV tuner I must disable the secondary monitor otherwise I get a black video window and sound.

I've read through many of these posts and have tried serveral things to see if I could get the TV and multiple monitors working together.

I've done the "sterile" removal of all ATI drivers and reinstalled all the latest. Upgraded to DX 9, flashed my BIOS with the latest from Dell, and still no joy. Also, (not sure if this is important or not) but I'm unable to make the PCI card the primary in the BIOS settings. I'm sure I wouldn't want to do that anyway.

Is what I'm trying to achieve simply not possible? Could someone please give me a definitive answer? And if it's not possible to do this with the 7000 PCI card does anyone know of a card that will definetly work with the 8500DV without these problems or creating more? I'm no computer expert but I can follow directions pretty well and know my way around the XP OS pretty good. Thanks all.

Windows XP SP1
Dell Dimension 8200 P4 1.7Ghz
Vince   2003-04-15 13:41
OK... I got it figured out. I'm not trying to have a dialouge with myself here but just in case anyone else has this particular configuration and is experiencing the same problem I now have the solution (no thanks to ATI support). Phone calls and emails to them resulted in no help whatsoever. However if they were on the ball they could have directed me to a page on their website that addresses this very issue... grrrrrrr....

Here it is. Article 3946. It basically tells you that you need to upgrade the Multimedia Center to a later version. God I wish they would have told me that when I called and emailed them.

Anyway that's what you have to do, upgrade the MMC after you do all or some what I did in my original post. Good luck. My TV window is working beautifully while my multi-monitors are on. :-)
Nick Spencer   2003-05-04 12:56
Vince, how's the video quality on the DVI output of the 7000? Mine stinks, way too blurry.


ABIT KR7A w/ Athlon XP 1900+
ATI AIW 8500DV AGP (yep, the TV works fine!)
ATI 7500 PCI dual port (with a VERY fuzzy DVI output...)
3 Viewsonic G810 21" space heaters
Enjoying 4800x1200 nirvana....well, 2/3's anyway.
tomos   2003-05-21 08:02
ta for that. i'll install the 3.4 drivers now.

Stephen   2003-06-09 16:29

I am trying to get my AIW 8500DV AGP 64 Meg and a ATI Radeon 7000 PCI 32 Meg to do dual monitor under Windows 2000 Pro, and it just locks up tight a few seconds after switching to Graphic mode of the bootup, from Text Mode.....

I can't get these two cards to play nicely together at all....

Did you ever have yours working under windows 2000?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 8500DV (AGP) + Radeon 7000 (PCI)

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