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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitor problems.
Michael H.   2003-04-16 10:58
I need help getting dual monitors to work on my home system (Win 2K). I am using almost the same setup at work (win 2K)and everthing seems to be fine.

My work machine is a P2/266 196mb ram MicronPC-Atlanta Pentium II 440LX ATX Motherboard (Millennia® XKU)with a Diamond Viper 550 or 770 non ultra. AGP and S3 Virge PCI other Video board combo's that seem to work ATI 3D rage pro AGP with S3 Virge S3 Virge DX and S3 Virge VX PCI.
"I liked the dual setup so much I just had to have it at home"

Now for the home machine I have a "simular" board
MicronPC Seattle 2 SE440BX running a P3/450 386mb Ram (latest Bios update)Win 2K. Now I have tried all of the Video cards and combo's listed above with the home system and nothing will get past the Code 10 / won't start error in the device manager, yet any card by itself AGP or PCI works fine. I have all the latest drivers for all cards and have tried the genaric win 2K ones also.

It seems to me that it comes down to my Bios on the home machine is just not capable of handling dual cards. When my work machine does not have a problem. Go figure!! the work machine seems to be the older MB. Both have the same option setting controls in the BIOS (Neither have an option for PCI/AGP selection under Video config just the Pallette snoop and aparture settings of 64mb and 256mb?

I have been pulling my hair out on this so long that I am Bald. :-) No wait I was bald already..

Any and all help on this would be Greatly appreciated... Thanks in advance MH. or
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitor problems.

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