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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video playing on both monitors, one being taken over
catfish   2003-04-20 13:18
2 Monitors, msi g4 4200 dual card, det drivers, ultramon running.

All of a sudden when I play _some_ videos (like avi's) and when playing DVD movies (tried both windvd3 and powerdvd xp) the 2nd monitor gets taken over with a copy of the video.

Oddly if I move the player window to the other monitor it trades places! The video can be full screen or windowed on one monitor but the other monitor is always full screen, also for dvds the left edge is a bit cut off.

Only thing I can think of is a recent upgrade of DX9a (don't remember the problem when I had plain dx9) and perhaps the reinstall of ultramon. When not playing movies it works normal and windows/icons are not rearranged when this happens either.

Anyone else run into this?
Elliot Walls   2003-04-20 13:38
Sounds like Theater mode is activated, but I may be wrong. Check all your advanced settings for a way to turn this mode off. However, I've never seen this on an Nvidia Card, only on Ati Cards. Odd.
catfish   2003-04-20 16:01
Ahh, I reset all the nvidia options and that seemed to have done it, I thought I got all of them before but I guess not. Thanks :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Video playing on both monitors, one being taken over

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