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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV tuner on secondary card (ATI Wonder)...can it work?
Deam   2003-04-24 03:13
I have an AGP primary card, GF4...and I added a PCI ATI all in wonder with TV tuner, and it just doesn't work.

Any suggestions in getting the secondary card's TV tuner to work? I woudl be content if the TV tuner stayed in that monitor.
Jenn   2003-04-24 03:20
I'm not an expert on this, but according to ATIs site and what I've read from this web site, the card with the tv tuner must be the primary monitor for it to work.

Read the FAQ. It's in there.

Deam   2003-04-24 03:50
But then, what happens to my GF4? It won't be used for games, right?
beavepants   2003-04-26 19:09
ok i have a PCI AIW also this is how i do it

make the PCI 1st in bios.

then when you want to use TV make the PCI 1st in windows... and it works

a quick click then the AGP is now 1st in windows. and plays games...

then click back and the TV works...
Kent   2003-04-29 13:29
Do you have MMC 8.1 working in your dual monitor setup?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV tuner on secondary card (ATI Wonder)...can it work?

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