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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 9700 Pro and Adobe After Effects
GumbyLives   2003-04-28 02:27
I was curious if anyone has run into this situation before. I just set up my
computer to use ATI's Hydravison dual-monitor setup. I did get it so that I
can drag my windows in Adobe After Effects to the other monitor, but now
whenever I want to
go and open up a new light, or camera all my windows grey out and I can't do
anything. I can still move my mouse, and have to CTRL-ALT-Delete to get out
of After Effects.
I know its something to do with the dual-monitor setup within ATI's control
panel and hydravision. If there's
someone who has had the same situation occur, I'd appreciate the help.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 9700 Pro and Adobe After Effects

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