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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi monitor FSX problem
Ian Zetland   2018-09-28 08:07
Hello, I've downloaded your trial version which seems to work OK. However, when I tried to operate my FSX (Microsoft Flight simulator programme) which is the main reason for my 3 screen setup, I get the FSX image on 1 screen and a sort of partial "blackout" on the other 2 screens , although I can make out something of an image beneath this blackout. Is this a setting issue?, or Am I doing something wrong? I have used FSX before but had to buy a new multi screen unit which works OK. Hope can you help!! Thank you
Christian Studer   2018-09-29 13:31
Can't really help you with that as I'm not familiar with FSX, but I would check the screen settings in FSX.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi monitor FSX problem

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