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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> This device cannot start. (Code 10)
Mike Hurley   2003-04-28 22:07
hey, i've got a tnt2 32meg agp, and i'm trying to run a 2nd mon off an s3 trio64V2/DX 4meg pci. the pci, tho, won't work, and i get the error 'This device cannot start. (Code 10)'. if i use it as a primary card, however, it works fine. anyone know how i can get it working as secondary?
Christian Studer   2003-04-29 11:13
Old S3 and ATI cards won't work as BIOS secondary with Windows 2000/XP. You'll need to make the PCI card primary in BIOS, and the AGP card primary in Display Properties.

See the FAQ for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Moff   2003-04-30 12:17
Ok I had the same error.
I chenged the BIOS Primary to the PCI card and it now does not report the error, but Win XP is not detecting the two cards!

Hardware manager has no issues with the two cards, but the settings screen only shows the default PCI card.

Any Ideas?

AGP Card is a TNT2 64mb and the PCI a SIS 6326 8mb
Moff   2003-04-30 13:28
Addition to previous post:

Device manager is now reporting my AGP card as Code 10.

The AGP card is a TNT2 M64 AGP.

Is there any issues that anyone knows of that will fix this issue between these 2 cards?
David   2004-01-23 03:59
if your agp card is saying code 10, then i think u might be sol then, the reason why it says code on many multi monitor systems is that more than one card is trying to access the video BIOS, and by nature, only 1 card is allowed to access this, its a first come first serve thing, most newer cards dont need to access the video BIOS
Emanuel   2004-03-09 19:33
Great help there.. i had the same problem, loaded my pci vid card in bios as primary and then in windows i set my agp vid card as primary and things run smooth here!

Fak   2004-04-01 22:40
About the same problem.

AGP = ATI Radeon 9200 PRO
PCI = Cirrus Logic 5446

Pci card has code 10 and when i switch in bios to pci primary XP hangs on start????

Any thoughts. Before that i used to have a vodoo 4 as agp card and work perfectly. Just installed XP
Rick   2004-10-05 04:03
I have the same problem with Win XP and two graphics cards, one AGP and one PCI. Both cards are newer generation cards. My AGP card is a GeForce4 4600Ti and I have tried a GeForce4 4000MX, a radeon 7500, and a GeForce 420mx. None of the these combinations worked. Either the machine did not boot or the secondary card should an error 10 code.
Warren   2006-03-04 20:06
Hi I have a similar problem. Running xp. I have the following

acer 6100 piii 500
Ati 3dRage pro axp x2 in agap slot
Ati 3drage pro pci in pci slot

Dual display works fine with w2k but not with xp. I have tried the following
1. Installed drivers from ati
2. switched pci card in slots.
3. forced irq in bios.
4. Cannot select primary or secondary in bios as it has no onboard card
5. Re installed xp with one card. and vica versa

Both display adapters are working in w2k.
If i put them in one at a time with xp they work fine. But both together does not work. The pci card always comes up with an "!" mark. error This device cannot start. ( Code 10)

Why will it work in w2k but not in xp is the question which i cannot seem to resolve. Any idea's
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> This device cannot start. (Code 10)

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