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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> sis630t and pci geforce4 problem
mick   2003-05-02 03:01
Hi all,
I have got a touchpanel PC with a sis630 chipset onboard. We have added a secondary graphics card (geforce mx440 pci), for tv output (different picture from lcd).

When we play video (mpeg1), the cpu usage goes up to 100% and the video drops frames.

This only seems to happen when running the system on winxp with drivers 41.09 or greater.
The system runs fine when using win98 and the 98 drivers.

We have tried most things, fresh installs, different versions of drivers etc etc and I am begining to think it could be a problem with xp or the drivers.

Anyone any Ideas / help

mick   2003-05-08 03:19
found what the problem was..
lack of memory

128mb just doesnt seem to cut it.

upped to 256 and performance is a lot better.

just thought i'd post this incase anyone else had this problem.
Eric Carlson   2003-05-09 14:28
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> sis630t and pci geforce4 problem

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