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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to make Matrix screensaver runs across 3 monitors????
Sammy Kwok   2003-05-07 01:16
Hi guys. I have been trying to get the matrix screensaver to run across 3 monitors but with no luck.Tried to use Ultramon screensaver to set each mon with its only matrix screensaver, and it wouldn't work. Do any of you guys know how to do it????


My rig:
AMD AthlonXP 2100+
Thermaltake Volcano 7+
Enermax FS-710B server case (Black)
Enermax 430W powersupply
Epox8k5A2+ KT333 ATA133RAID
Leadtek Geforce4 Ti4400 VIVO,TNT2PCI
19inch LG Monitor,19inch Diamondtron,17inch flatron
2x80GB WD8MB cache@RAID0
40GB,Seagate 80GB 7200rpm ATA100
SB Audigy2Platinum eX
Creative Inspire 5300 5.1 speakers
Kingmax 10/100 NC
48x48x12x burner
MS Intellimouse 3.0
Eric Carlson   2003-05-09 14:43
I haven't tried any screensavers other than the ones that come with Windows 2000, but on both dual-monitor computer I use, they all display on both monitors at the same time.

One computer has a Ti4200 with dual outputs, and the other one has an older NVidia AGP and an old S3 PCI card.

- Eric,
Barton   2003-05-26 05:18
THis from Christian:

MatrixMania is a highly configurable Matrix screen saver with multi-monitor support. It also works fine on secondary monitors with UltraMon.
Enigma   2003-07-22 08:43
Here's one that a friend and I made simply being sick of the lack of really good matrix screensavers out there. This is designed to work with up to 8 monitors but generally speaking I don't know how many people HAVE 8 monitors :)
My Matrix Page

There are a whole BUNCH of screensavers there but the one we did that has all the extras like, code trace bursts, etc... by hitting the keys x, t, c, d, s, and k.
To get out of the screensaver, hit the Esc key.

Hope you enjoy!!

Ezzemo   2003-12-14 06:20
I use Zmatrix on 2 monitors as a background and as screen saver with no problem..
If you donĀ“t know zmatrx, try a google search for that word and download it..
The coolest thing ever if you are a matrix fan.

Thiadrik   2003-12-30 14:40
Enigma u say u don't know what people have 8 monitors but I can put up to 16monitors at my computer I tested it 1time and it worked perfect but I had to use my brothers screens and some screens of my friends because I only have 6screens of my one. 16 times 15'' in a 4x4 setup and then atch television It's great!!!!!!!
Johhny Baptiste   2004-01-09 02:29
I say forget about that matrix screensaver. There is a really cool matrix screensaver and matrix wallpaper with a red pill or blue pill theme at ;) Do check it out if you have the time.
john doe   2004-01-31 06:54

i dont need 2 say more...

the best matrix saver with multimomsupport :D


john doe
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> How to make Matrix screensaver runs across 3 monitors????

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