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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> trouble playing game and IMing at same time.
Thomas G.   2003-05-11 05:56
Anyway, so on my main monitor, I have a car racing game going, and on the other monitor I can IM windows, WinAmp and everything. The thought was I could talk and change songs and stuff without intterupting the game. Problem is, when I click to change something over there, that window is now active, and not the game window. Therefore, the game minimizes and play is paused. Is there anyway to have the monitors only deal with active windows on THEIR screen, and not the other one. Basically right now, there can be only one active window, which kinda screws me if I want to play a game at the same time. Thanks for the help.
Mangyrat   2003-05-12 01:34
try runing the game in a window not full screen.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> trouble playing game and IMing at same time.

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