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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New to dual monitors, need graphics card help
Reese   2003-05-14 10:30
I have a GeForce3 in my motherboard's only AGP slot. I was planning to buy a 9500 Pro and run one monitor on each card, but I couldn't find any PCI 9500 cards at my local stores, and I find intimidating. Can I get an AGP 9500 Pro and replace the GeForce entirely, then run 2 monitors off the 9500 Pro? Is a DVI-to-VGA converter a viable solution, or is there image degradation?
Any and all help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Barton   2003-05-15 11:53

Congratulations on your decision to make the move to "dualies!"

Your right about Pricewatch. It can be very confusing. I personally prefer to buy all of my components from

They have some of the best prices on the net and there shipping is usually free for 2nd day delivery.

As far as adding another PCI card or to use a dual head, I think I would do the dual haed AGP. ATI doesn't build a 9500 in a PCI formfactor. Instead of the 9500, I would look at the ATI 9600 Pro. The DVI to VGA converter will have no effect on the display quality. Also, be sure to buy a "built by ATI" card. Not one built by Powercolor or Sapphiretech.

Googlegear has the card for $183.95 with free delivery. Take some time to review their site and pick the card that works for you.

Also, check out for feedback on various internet e-tailers. They're a great resource and will help keep you from getting burned.

Good luck and visit this site often.
Reese   2003-05-15 12:54
Wow, thanks a lot. That's good info, and it's refreshing to hear I'm not the only one who founders on I will check out the two sites whose links you posted.
As far as your suggestion on the 9600 Pro...what about the 9700 Pro? I'm not that concerned about price in and of itself (and I think it should be dropping since the 9800 is out, right?), but if the difference is only like a 5 or 10% performance gain, I'd rather not waste the cash.
Thanks again!
Barton   2003-05-16 03:47

I must admit, I'm not a ATI user or fan. I'm currently running the nVidia Ti-4600 w/Dual-DVI outputs.

My first ATI card was a 32mb All-In-Wonder Radeon which was a wonderful card. Once I started with dual monitors and added a Rage Pro card, thing's started getting "squirrely." Once I decided to run digital flat-panels exclusively, nobody really had anything with a dual-DVI out in a AGP formfactor (at a reasonable price) except Gainward. When I added a third panel, Christian suggested a "Inno3D" PCI-DVI card (which is also based on an nVidia chipset. This set really smokes now and I have not had a single problem (except when I try to use nVidia's latest drivers.) I stick to the 30.72 drivers.

As far a recommendation on an ATI card, I'm the wrong person to ask. I guess it would depend on what you're going to do with it. If you want top of the line, dual monitor support, go for the 9800 Pro (not the All-In-Wonder - only one monitor out.)

Personally, I would find something with a dual DVI support (ATI Fire GLX1 or the GLZ1, the Gainward 750XP, the various Matrox cards, etc...)If you ever decide to go to digital flat-panels, you'll be set. One note about the Gainward, it comes with two DVI-VGA adapters (not sure about the others) ans the nVidia 4600 chipset is great.

If you haven't been on eBay recently, check out the Dell 1800FP flat-panel monitors available. A friend of mine just picked up two for $850 including shipping (no tax!), and these have both digital and analog inputs and have thin bezels so you can get them close together.

Whanever you decide to do, have fun and enjoy the learning experience. Multiple monitors can sometimes be tricky, but if your running XP, you should have no problems.

Reese   2003-05-16 06:18
Thanks much!
I have historically always been an Nvidia man, but it seems like ATI is pulling ahead for the moment, especially with Nvidia's new GeForce being loud and taking up two PCI slots.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> New to dual monitors, need graphics card help

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