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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stretching Desktop Graphic
Tony Reynolds   2003-05-21 01:48
Now that I finally have my dual monitor setup working, There doesn't seem to be an easy way to 'stretch' the desktop image across both monitors.

I'm using Windows XP Pro, an ATI Radeon 7500 card, and two monitors, a Dell 21" Trinitron and an NEC 15" DVI LCD.

The NEC is set up on the left of the Dell, so is low and to the left. It is set in Dispaly Settings as the 'primary' monitor. The desktop image stretches to fit that screen (1024x768), but then centers on the Dell, which is running at 1600x1200.

I tried reversing the setup with the Dell being the primary monitor, but it didn't work... I also tried editing an image in Photoshop to make it (1600+1024)x1200. This didn't work either.

Any ideas?

Please no flames. I realize that this forum is meant to specifically support UltraMon products, but right now XP is working just fine...


Christian Studer   2003-05-21 10:14
There are several ways to do this, see the FAQ for details.

BTW, you're in the right forum, this is for general multi-monitor questions. There's a separate forum for UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Stretching Desktop Graphic

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