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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 8500/128MB - AGP HELP!
Johnnie   2003-05-21 16:07
1) I have identical monitors and when using the second monitor I can only have the refresh rate at 75hz. When I use the 85hz the pixels start to
have a snowy fuzz to the screen. I downloaded the ATI drivers (twice) and it took down my computer completely. How can I max out on my hz on #2?

2) This card is AGP, I would like to add 2 more monitors. Is it possible to use a PCI card that supports 2 monitors so that I have a total of 4?
ATI says that it not supported but they did not say that it can't be done. Any Ideas? Thanks

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> ATI 8500/128MB - AGP HELP!

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