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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Problem - Checking NVRAM... Halts there!
Jeremy   2003-05-24 01:50
Hi there,

I'm having a bit of a prob trying to get my two monitors to go, Originally i had my Geeforce2 MX 400 as primary and tried putting a S3 Trio64 (real old) PCI graphics card as secondary. When it got into to windows XP, the secondary showed up but could not use it (had exclamation mark besides it and Said " Could not start device - Error 10" or whatever it was) Technically i know that the other card is crap, but it's all i got 2 play with.

After viewing the FAQ and troubleshooting guides round here i am told to put the PCI as primary which i've tried. When i boot up with the PCI card as primary (after changing settings in bios), the display shows up on the secondary monitor on the secondary graphics card, but the POST has halted on "Checking NVRAM..." .

I have a ECS K7S5A mobo by the way.

Any Ideas - I'm kinda stumped?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Problem - Checking NVRAM... Halts there!

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