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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pentium 4 bug affects multi-monitor users
Christian Studer   2000-12-28 10:06
From ZDNet:

Unless you plan to hook up two monitors or an extra graphics card, the Pentium 4 bug shouldn't leave you cursing your computer. Intel had delayed introduction of its new processor last fall in order to study the bug. It concluded that the problem was limited to slow processing or data corruption when users connected a second monitor or additional PCI graphics card. The P4 chip set is now on the market. Stock traders, who commonly work with multiple screens, could be impacted, but few other users will, say analysts. Some contend that defects -- or errata -- exist in all chip sets. The P4 will soon come out in a bug-free version, Intel says. Until then, it's advising PC makers on how to configure P4 systems to avoid problems. Click for more.

Thanks to Steven for sending me the link.

Christian Studer
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Pentium 4 bug affects multi-monitor users

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