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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Thinking About Using Multiple Videocards
John   2003-05-28 09:28
Hey folks, i was thinking of installing an ATI All In Wonder 8 meg card into my system so I can tvout to a tv and view DVDs with my dvdrom, nothing else. My windows XP system already contains a GF2MX64meg card, after browsing the FAQ I have come to the conclusion that I must make the ATI the "primary" card and set that in the BIOS (i believe its a pci card), only because since its an older card it must be primary in order to have access to the vga bios, after doing so installing drivers for the card and presto! I was hoping for some feedback on any problems or modifications to this plan, since I hear multiple videocard setups can be a nightmare. Thanks for the help.
P.S. I already browsed the database and it seems no one else has this configuration.
Help   2003-06-08 23:57
I installed an ATI All-In Wonder 8500DV and an ATI 7000 a few weeks ago. And then I downloaded Ulta-Mon from this website. It was extremely easy, I would recommend just trying to install it and see what happens. Don't worry about the BIOS and such until you see what it does when you boot it back up, you might be suprised.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Thinking About Using Multiple Videocards

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