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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors Identify
Halen   2019-01-01 15:20
I've tried everything to change the ID of my monitors. I have 3 monitors connected to my PC. Two TVs with HDMi input and one monitor with VGA input with HDMI adapter. I try to cnnect first the Tv and last the Monitor but windows identify the monitor with number 1. Every time I connect the monitors always it identifies the monitor as number 1 and I want it to be number 3. I installed the software and when I see the display setting is all right and i identify by software show to me Monitor number 3 but when I see through the windows it continues the same identification (Monitor number 1). What's wrong?

Christian Studer   2019-01-02 04:21
Did you already try connecting the monitor to a different port on the video card?

Apart from that I'm not aware of a way to change the monitor number used by Windows.

UltraMon supports changing monitor numbers, but this only affects the numbering used by UltraMon, not the numbering used by Windows.

Christian Studer -
Halen   2019-01-02 05:21
I've tried everything. All monitors are connected to HDMI port. The monitor that has VGA input with HDMI adapter is always set to number 1. I have already connected one to one of the monitors. First the TV's and everything is normal (Number 1 and Number 2) but when I turn on the monitor it assumes the number 1. I already try connecting the monitor to the all different port on the video card but the windows and i think graphics card assume that it as number 1.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple Monitors Identify

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